Chakra is the Western version of the Sanskrit ‘cakra,’ which means ‘wheel’ or ‘circle.’ Chakra is based on the idea that the energy of the body is centered through seven main points in the middle of the body that move in a circular pattern, creating the aura of the body. These seven chakras have specific functions and chakra colors that develop and promote energy for a healthy life. Each chakra has its own specific chakra color and energy.
The first of the seven chakras is Muladhara. This is the root chakra located at the base of the spine and pelvic area. This chakra energy point is the basis of human survival, it is the foundation of primitive needs such and the foundation of the human spirit. Muladhara’s chakra color is red. The color red has long been used to show passion and desire. As the chakra color, red governs the basic human desire: to survive. The Muladhara chakra energy signifies the desire to eat, to have warmth and shelter and to feel protection from strife. These are the strongest and most basic of human desires and balanced chakra energy here will create calmness. This is also the chakra color that is related to bone strength, blood circulation, the immune system and the lower intestines. The chakra color of red can bring passion and desire into a bland or melancholy life. Minerals that represent the base chakra color of red are red garnet, black obsidian and smoky or red quartz.
The second of the seven chakras is Svadhisthana. This chakra energy exists at the belly button or navel. This is where the human center of sexual desire and emotional connection exists. The Svadhisthana chakra color is orange. The chakra color of orange represents vitality and celebration. Orange chakra energy reflects the desire for feelings, discovery and sexual appetite. The body organs governed by this chakra color are the reproductive and urinary organs. Orange stones such as tiger (or cat’s) eye and carnelian can help one feel revitalized and strong.
The third of the seven chakras is Manipura. This chakra energy is located at the solar plexus and is colored yellow. The Manipura is the center of the human will, integrity, personal empowerment and identity. This chakra color is yellow. The chakra energy for the Manipura is related to the digestive system, upper intestines and liver. This chakra color signifies the physical energy of the sun manifested as self-will, intentions and self-direction. The stone associated with the yellow chakra color is citrine.
The fourth of the seven chakras is Anahata, which exists above the heart. This chakra color is green or pink and is significant of love, inner balance, compassion for others and emotional expression. The chakra colors of green signify personal ideals, inner nurture and forgiveness of the self and of others. The Anahata chakra is responsible for the heart, arteries, blood circulation and breasts. The chakra color green can bring calmness in times of turmoil, which helps lessen stress on the heart. Minerals associated with this chakra color are malachite, jade and quartz.
The fifth of the seven chakras is Vishuddha, which is located at the throat. Vishuddha chakra energy is related to speaking, expression and communication. This chakra color is blue. This chakra rules over the throat and glands of the throat, the mouth and the ears. The Vishuddha chakra energy is used for personal expression in speaking, such as during speeches and communication. It is the manner in which people connect through communication. The minerals involved in the throat chakra are sodalite, azurite, azanite and kyanite. The chakra color blue can help one express inner thoughts and emotions, as well as increase interpersonal communication.
The sixth of the seven chakras is Ajna, which is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. This is the third eye and chakra energy here is colored violet. It is responsible for the mind, foresight, self awareness and intuition. This is the third eye and the violet chakra energy can bring inner peace, visions and develop the imagination. The third eye chakra energy rules over the brain, central nervous system, pineal and pituitary glands. The chakra color violet can help meditation, thinking, uplift low spirits and develop spiritual awareness. The common mineral for the chakra color violet is lapis and fluorite.
The final of the seven chakras is Sahasrara, also called the crown chakra. This chakra energy is located at the crown of the head and is the point of wisdom and understanding. This chakra color is white, which signifies that it is the culmination of all the chakra colors. Weak chakra energy here may cause indifference and general malaise. The crown chakra energy develops the musculoskeletal system and skin health. The white chakra color is transcendent. It is the chakra color of high levels of spiritual enlightenment, physical strength and higher consciousness.